Some thoughts on how liturgy holds space for those of us carrying trauma. This episode is an excerpt from a webinar talk I gave in December 2021 entitled “Remembering All Things: Holding Space for Trauma in Liturgy and Life,” hosted online by Ancient Faith Ministries.

LIVESTREAM EPISODE: Next week’s episode will feature listener questions and air first as a livestream on Wed Jan 5, 2022, 2:30-3:30 Eastern on Nicole’s Instagram page: @nicoleroccas ( To join in realtime, follow her on Instagram and open the app at the correct time.

SEND QUESTIONS: If you can’t join in realtime, send your questions to Nicole via email ([email protected]) or as private message on Instagram (@nicoleroccas), Twitter (@nicoleroccas), or Facebook (@Nicole M. Roccas).

The outro of this podcast is the song "Remedy for Melancholy" by Kai Engel, available under a CC BY-NC 4.0 license.