In this episode I speak with Olympic Gold Medal Winner in rowing, Rosie Popa. Rosie comes from Australia and is currently doing an MBA in Oxford University.
We speak about achieving goals and overcoming pain, but also about the transition from elite sports to the life after.
An interesting chat between two high performers!
If you want to know more about Rosie, here you find all infos:

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In this episode I speak with Olympic Gold Medal Winner in rowing, Rosie Popa. Rosie comes from Australia and is currently doing an MBA in Oxford University.

We speak about achieving goals and overcoming pain, but also about the transition from elite sports to the life after.

An interesting chat between two high performers!

If you want to know more about Rosie, here you find all infos:

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Dort erhältst du alle Informationen zu unseren kostenlosen Podcast-Hosting-Angeboten. ist ein Produkt der Podcastbude.
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