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The charming twosome of Hal and Lindsey have joined forces! The biggest subject? AEW’s Double or Nothing PPV! Cody has a brand new and (temporarily?) hideous championship. Is it weird that the boss is the inaugural winner of the new strap? We’ll discuss.

Plus, there were so many women’s matches from AEW this week! Is this a one time thing or can we expect things to be on the up from here? And are we going to survive the absence of our beloved Dr. Britt Baker DDS?

Of course we’ll touch on plenty of things from WWE as well, including our new champion Apollo Crews, one of the most peculiar NXT promos and whether or not we could be saying good-bye to our beloved bro too soon.

The Three Count

Lindsey put over Oney Lorcan and Danny Burch

Hal put over Britt Baker’s promo.

Hosted by Hal Lublin and Lindsey Kelk

Produced by Julian Burrell for Maximum Fun.

If you want to talk about more wrestling throughout the week be sure to join us on Facebook and @TightsFights on Twitter and Instagram. PLUS! Check out our Tights and Fights Discord!

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