Our guest for this episode is Brooklyn-based Hallie Bateman, an Illustrator and Writer who is a contributor at The Awl, The New Yorker, and Buzzfeed, and who’s work has been published all over the place! We spoke with Hallie over Skype about pen-pals, sketching habits, her drawing style, and about what she has been working on lately. Bonus: we took a couple of minutes to each do a quick sketch (see them below!).

A big “thank you” to Emporium Arcade Bar, and The Chicago Coop for sponsoring this episode!

Hallie on the web:

Hallie’s Shop
Hallie’s Blog

Show links:

The Awl
Hallie’s Illustrations for the New Yorker
The Happy Ending Series
Beginners (movie)
Hallie’s Meditation Vacation essay
Apply (at Hallie’s website)