Please join us  for an interview with Croatian American writer Josip Novakovich. Novakovich is the author of three short story collections (Yolk, Salvation and Other Disasters, Infidelities: Stories of War and Lust), the novel April Fool's Day,  two collections of narrative essays (Apricots from Chernobyl, Plum Brandy), and two textbooks (Writing Fiction Step by Step, Fiction Writer's Workshop). He is the recipient of the Whiting Writer's Award, a Guggenheim fellowship, two fellowships from the National Endowment of the Arts, an award from the Ingram Merrill Foundation, and an American Book Award. He's been anthologized in Best American Poetry, Pushcart Prize, and O.Henry Prize Stories. Kirkus Review calls him "the best American short story writer of the decade".
Tiferet Journal has recently published a compilation of twelve of our best transcribed interviews. To purchase The Tiferet Talk Interviews book, please click here.

