Rev. Nathan Meador, pastor of St. John Lutheran Church in Plymouth, Wisconsin, joins host Rev. AJ Espinosa to study Psalm 36.

David was a prophet, not just a king. Here in Psalm 36, David prophecies about the evil of humanity. His words condemn the godless in particular, but these words of law convict all of us, since we all share in the sinful posture of pride. In pride, we say “Chief of sinners though I be, so-and-so is worse than me.” It’s all about making comparisons.

The comparison ought to be made, however, not to the people around us, but to the unchanging judgments of God. They are higher than the heavens and more fundamental than the “cosmic abyss” of Genesis 1. The universal and timeless scope of God’s righteousness is terrifying, but it’s also comforting. God is intimately involved with His creation. He does not leave us helpless against the plots of evil men, but He thrusts them down with “the foot” of His Messiah, crushing the head of the ancient serpent and the forces of darkness.