Rev. Dan Torkelson, pastor at St. John Lutheran Church in North Prairie, Wisconsin, and 1st Vice President of the South Wisconsin District of the LCMS, joins host Rev. AJ Espinosa to study Numbers 13.

Send in the spies! Numbers 13 recounts a recon mission, and twelve men are selected for the job. We notice immediately that the list of the twelve tribes is a bit different; they seem to come in pairs, with Judah’s pair immediately followed by Ephraim’s pair. Why are Judah and Ephraim, with their representatives Caleb and Joshua, given such prominence? For that matter, what does it mean that Hoshea’s name was changed to Joshua? These two stand out, and they point to our Lord Jesus the Messiah.

Fear and anxiety dominate when the spies return, but Caleb offers a conflicting view because of His confidence and conviction. Conflict makes a lot of people anxious, but fear gets the better of us in group-think and mob mentality.