Rev. Steven Theiss, retired pastor in Frohna, Missouri, joins host Rev. AJ Espinosa to study Numbers 11.

Three days into the journey, disaster strikes. It had been nearly a year since leaving Egypt, and their food reserves were long gone. Despite God’s miraculous provision of manna, the ancient Israelites were getting tired of it. Be careful what you wish for: when God gave them all that they wanted, the result was death.

In the midst of calamity, Numbers 11 tells us that God helps Moses, a leader who has been stretched to his breaking point. God comes down in a cloud and gives the Spirit to seventy elders meant to assist him, and they prophesy. This event foreshadows Pentecost, when God poured out the Spirit of Jesus on the one hundred and twenty disciples who then miraculously prophesied across numerous language barriers. These one-time miracles testify to the fact that they represent something much bigger than themselves. God shows us that the story of Scripture isn’t all about the disciples, about Moses, or even about ourselves. It’s all about Jesus Christ our Savior.