This week on a special Happy Birthday to Me episode of Thursday Night Tailgate our guests are: the GM for the Texas franchise in Major League Football Glenn Smith, former Patriots Pro Bowl RB Tony Collins, former Colts LB Jeff Herrod, former Steelers and Falcons DB Randy Fuller and former Chargers, Vikings & Giants DB Vencie Glenn. We'll talk with them about:

Glenn Smith - We'll talk to Glenn about the roster of players he's drafted, his coaching staff, and how his years as an Assistant Coach with the Dallas Cowboys will impact the opportunities his players will have in Dallas.

Tony Collins - Now that Johnny Manziel has been cut, fired by a second agent in the last month and had his endoresement deal with Nike terminated, is that enough to make him see that he has a real problem and he needs help and real change?

Jeff Herrod - Now that the NFL concussion lawsuit has been upheld, what does that mean for the former players who need help now? As a warrior who continues to need multiple surgeries to correct joint and back injuries and a guy who can no longer stand to be in crowds due to sensitivity to light and noise from head injuries, was playing the game worth it?

Randy Fuller - We'll hear Randy's thoughts on playing DB now versus when he played. Have all the rules changes made it nearly impossible to cover WRs? We'll get his insights into the Steelers defense and what they need to do to catch up to the Broncos as the top defense in the league.

Vencie Glenn - Hear Vencie Glenn lay it on the line. We'll get his thoughts on Josh Gordon and Johnny Manziel. What would he tell those guys if they were teammates? As a former Charger, how does he feel about the potential for the Chargers to move to LA and their current stadium situation? What made him one of the smartest DBs in the league according Hall of Fame QB Warren Moon?