The Daleks are mobile and they are getting their any cost.

Enter a scheming would-be dictator, kidnapping, blackmail, false imprisonment, a mad scientist, and some very annoying recorder music. The newly-regenerated Doctor must think quickly to save the people of Vulcan.

In short, David Whittaker (the writer) is a genius. 

DALEK: Why do human beings kill human beings?
BRAGEN: Get on with your work.
DALEK: Yes, master. I obey.
BRAGEN: Yes, obey me! From now on, I'll have complete obedience from everyone!

LESTERSON: Ah, I tried to turn the power off, but they were miles ahead of me. Marvelous creatures. You have to admire them.
BEN: But we've got to stop them!
LESTERSON: Oh, it's too late for that. They're the new species, you see, taking over from homo sapiens. Man's had his day. Finished now....All we can do is marvel at the creatures who are taking our place.

NOTE: There are six episodes in "The Power of the Daleks." Not sure why I continually referred to it as a 4-parter! The general pacing comments still all stand:-)

"The Highlanders"
Team TARDIS lands in the middle of the Jacobite uprising and quickly befriend a group of Scotsman loyal to "the Young Pretender."  But the Redcoats are ruthless in punishing those who rebel....
4 episodes, all missing:-(
Monday, April 10th

Special thanks to Cathlyn "Happigal" Driscoll for providing the beautiful artwork for this podcast. You can view her work at

Do feel free to get in touch to share the love of all things Doctor Who: [email protected]