Holy crap on a cracker! This week's Thrones Cast, Dan, Nico and Nicki review the game changing genre shattering Season Finale of Game of Thrones Season 5 titled "Mother's Mercy" where Stannis is on the march while Cersei seeks forgiveness; Jon faces a new challenge; and Daenerys finds herself surrounded by strangers. Also we deliver a very impressive Listener Feedback Section for you as friends of the podcast weigh in on the shockers within this GOT Finale and give some interesting theories, which prove all might not be lost for the Seven Kingdoms with defeating the White Walkers. On that note, thanks to all of you who liked, listened and sent their thoughts on each Game of Thrones episode to us every week through e-mail, Facebook, Twitter and voicemail without you the first season of Thrones Cast: A Game of Thrones Podcast would have not been a success so thanks and we hope you'll return next spring as our show will continue with reviews on Game of Thrones Season 6. However, in the meantime check out the other podcasts we have on our network, Across The Airwaves, DC Nation Podcast and Marvelverse Podcast to fulfill your Dan, Nico and Nicki fix.