Life in the soil is like another world!! And it’s this life in the soil that ensures the health of the entire planet, let alone the plants!. 

Don Smith is a speaker and teacher from Kiss the Ground, who not only looked after millions of worms, but also is extremely knowledgeable about the microbial life in the soil and how truly regenerating it can reverse climate change!

So what makes up this life in the soil? Well alongside the amazing microbes which you can only see with a microscope - Earthworms live and do many magical things to help the soil and plants thrive. Having a worm compost can help solve waste issues, build your soil for your garden and according to Don - you can even have them be your new favourite pet called Pat! 

Join myself and Don for a journey down a “wormhole”.. And get excited by these phenomenal soil boosters!,

Love the sound of Kiss the Ground’s Soil Advocacy Training - check it out here: 

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