I’ve always sat on the outskirts of village life in Bali. I’ve seen their amazing community and felt the warmth that they share when joining in on a ceremony, however, I’ve never been part of the village. 

I’ve also noticed how they really work together a lot. Whether preparing for a ceremony, harvesting, they are chattering away and connecting together. 

Now I’m part of a community I am starting to notice my old western ways of “wanting to do it on my own” and this is “my” land… etc. Balinese don’t think that way, they really do live a life of “Together we are Better”.

So when they were naturally offering to help me, I could feel a resistance come up… but it’s an old way, a part of my ego I choose to let go of..

Join me for this week's episode as I ponder what came up for me during a moment of this...

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