Wendie Trubow, MD., MBA is a functional medicine gynecologist with a thriving practice at five journeys,s and is passionate about helping women optimize their health and lives through her struggles with mold, metal toxicity, celiac disease, and other health issues, Trubow has developed a deep sense of compassion and expertise for what her patients are facing. she is the co-author of Dirty Girl: ditch the toxins, looking great and feeling freaking amazing!


Connect with Wendie:







We discuss:

What's the connection between weight loss and hormones?


What can you do to increase your energy levels?


How does your mindset affect your ability lose weight and your overall health?


What are some common culprits of low energy levels?






Interested in joining the Hansen Method?! From our 6 month private coaching to our self study program,  there's an option for you. Learn more about the Hansen Method, click here. 


Create a thriving thyroid following our PROVEN system for improving thyroid and hormone function! Join hundreds of women who have improved their symptoms by 80% and lose on average 30lbs in the 4 months. Learn more here.  


If you have questions about the Hansen Method and want to discuss your specific situation and make sure this is the right program for you you can schedule a complimentary thyroid breakthrough call with one of our team members. schedule here. Hurry, my schedule fills up quickly and we only work with limited amount of women at any given time.


Thinking about using nutrition and holistic health for restoring thyroid function? Learn EVERYTHING you need to know by joining our Free Facebook Group. Thriving Thyroid Balance Community.


Confused at what steps you steps you need to do first, download our Freedom From Fatigue Guide without top 5 recommendations to improving your thyroid function.


Confused about what thyroid test to have done? Download our Thyroid Panel Guide.


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Shannon Hansen


P.S. Make sure to schedule our Thyroid Breakthrough call with one of our thyroid advisors. 


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