Is the fear of your little one choking or gagging holding you back from starting Baby-Led weaning?  If so, you're not alone!  This is the number one concern most parents have when starting Baby-Led Weaning.  This episode dives into the differences between choking and gagging and discusses what to do in either circumstance.  You will also learn why gagging is actually good and how it serves as a protective mechanism to help prevent your baby from choking.  Maybe you already know that gagging is actually a good thing, but you're still uneasy about seeing your baby gag... I've got you! That's why I've shared my number one tip for staying calm and at ease (physically and mentally) when your baby is gagging. 

Looking for a list of foods to avoid when starting BLW?  Or a simple list of ways you can reduce your child's risk for choking?  This episode has got you covered!

Additional Resources:
Harvard Health: Heimlich maneuver on an infant
American Red Cross: Infant & Child CPR
American Heart Association: Infant CPR training kits

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