Within you there are 4 possible people (personalities) that could be who is running the show.  But which one should be in charge?  And what happens if the wrong you is the one driving the car?

We were all made unique but often we have not been taught how to make best use of the best us.  When this happens everything in our life and business falls quickly into chaos and confusion.  This is a  trap we want to avoid.  Not only do we want to be our best but we need to know how we were meant to live our best.  Learn how we can:

1. Understand the the "seats" in our lives and how they impact all we do

2. Find out what it means to live in our front seat

3. Discover what happens when we are in our backseat

4 Find out how to begin living life in your front seat today

Join host Steve Kidd and his guest Jessica Butts as they show us how to Live From Your Front Seat on Thriving Entrepreneur

