Whether you’re already looking ahead to 2019 or not thinking that far ahead yet, this is the episode for you!


Today’s episode will explore how you can have the ultimate plan for a successful running head start for 2019. My hope is that you’ll feel empowered, edified, and equipped after you listen, and ready to take next year by storm! Before we get into that, though, I want to share something exciting with you! My brand new signature program, The Coaching Course, is now available! It’s a practical way for you to get more clients and sales, and to grow your coaching business.


Now, back to planning for 2019! The ultimate plan for a successful head start for the new year starts with asking yourself three questions and filling in the blanks:

“2019 is the year that I ______.” In other words, what will you do in 2019? What will next year mark for you? “If _____ doesn’t happen in 2019, the year will be so-so instead of wow!” What is the thing that will make 2019 an amazing year for you? Having clear priorities helps you identify what’s most important to you. “If I can accomplish one major thing next year, it’s ______.” What is the thing that you can and will accomplish in 2019?


Once you have your goals clear, you can move into the ultimate plan to success that will help you to achieve any goal that you set your mind to. It’s a ten-step process:

Know what you want, and ask for it. Know why you want it. Believe it’s possible! Decide that you must achieve the goal. Write it down. Keep your goals visible. Tell your goal to others. Take massive action now. Evaluate your results. Change your approach if needed.


Tune into the episode to learn more about these questions and steps, and how following them can help you create an incredible 2019 that may well be your best year yet!


In This Episode:

[00:48] - Jevonnah introduces today’s topic, and shares her hopes for listeners.

[01:29] - We hear about Jevonnah’s new signature program, The Coaching Course.

[01:57] - Today’s listener shout-out goes to Teresa McCloy, who left an awesome review on iTunes. When you leave a rating and review on iTunes, you may get a shoutout in a future episode!

[02:44] - Jevonnah loves answering listener questions on the show. If you have one, ask Jevonnah a question on this page.

[03:19] - We hear the ultimate plan for a successful head start on 2019.

[05:39] - Having shared the three foundational questions, Jevonnah moves into more of the ultimate plan for success with ten steps for success.

[08:25] - We hear more of the ten-step process in Jevonnah’s ultimate plan for success.

[11:19] - Step 8 is to take massive action now. Jevonnah talks more about what this means, and what it can look like.

[14:34] - Jevonnah talks about steps 9 (evaluate your results) and 10 (change your approach if needed).

[15:59] - Jevonnah runs through a quick review of the 10-step process.

[17:37] - Don’t forget to head to Jevonnah’s site to keep learning, subscribe to the podcast, and more!


Links and Resources:

Jevonnah Ellison

Jevonnah Ellison on Facebook

Jevonnah Ellison’s Thrive! group on Facebook

Leading Ladies Mastermind

The Coaching Course

Ask Jevonnah a question