Previous Episode: 47. 24 Keys for Coaches

How do you spend your mornings? Today’s show is all about learning how to keep a song in your heart and how to protect your mornings for yourself. Listen in as I share stories from my childhood and from my mentors about how song has helped us through tough times and bad news. Then learn how protecting your mornings leads to greater efficiency and productivity in your day.

I have four questions for you today. I want you to write them down and really dig into the answers that you think of. Then share them with me in a review for this episode!

If you and I were meeting three years from today, what has to have happened during that three year period in order for you to feel happy about your progress? What are the biggest challenges you’re dealing with right now in regard to achieving that progress?  What are the biggest opportunities that you would need to focus on and capture to achieve those things?  What strengths will you need to reinforce and maximize and what skills and resources, that you don’t currently have, will you need to develop in order to capture those opportunities?

I’m looking forward to hearing your answers to these questions and seeing you at the Thrive Conference. Stay focused, stay faithful, and don’t forget to tune in next week, when I’ll talk all about reducing stress in four practical ways.


In This Episode:

[00:49] - Jevonnah welcomes listeners to the show! She shares a huge thanks to all of her listeners. If you haven’t already, go ahead and subscribe and leave a review!

[01:50] - Before we get into the content, here’s a shoutout to Angela who left a wonderful review on iTunes.

[02:30] - Today’s show is brought to you by, the Thrive Summit! We still have Elite Level tickets!

[03:46] - The content for today’s show came from a saying Jevonnah’s mom would tell her every day.

[05:05] - Think about a song that brings you joy and encourages you. Now make it a habit to think of that song every single day.

[05:33] - Jevonnah tells a story about how she reacted to receiving a piece of bad news when she was younger.

[06:10] - The first step to protecting your morning is keeping the first hour of your day for yourself. Listen in to learn how.

[08:33] - Jevonnah asks the first of four questions she has for you on this episode. 

[09:57] - Would you get in your car, headed out on a road trip, without an idea of where you were headed? 

[10:50] - Jevonnah uses the Free to Focus Journal and was inspired by a quote from Peter Drucker.

[11:48] - Listen in for question number two.

[12:10] - Question number three brings one and two full circle for a full goal planning cycle.

[12:48] - Question number four will help you figure out how to attain your goals.

[14:08] - Jevonnah provides a recap for what you should do to protect your mornings.

[15:38] - Do you put in the work? Or do you just dream really big? 

[16:51] - Enjoy the journey, have fun, and make sure that you allow others to experience that joy as well!


Links and Resources:

Jevonnah Ellison on Facebook

Jevonnah Ellison on Instagram

The Coaching Course

Thrive Mastermind

Jevonnah Ellison’s Thrive Summit 2019

Dan Miller - 48 Days Eagles

Brendan Burchard - High Performance Habits

Free to Focus Journal by Michael Hyatt

The Entrepreneurial Podcast Episode 6 (Discussing the Story of the Two Chairs)