This is going to be so good today, how to practice staying focused. I hear from so many people all the time who say, "Lady J., I just need to focus. How do I do that?"

Today, I'm going to give you some practical tips and takeaways, and I want you to know that you absolutely can stay focused.

It is a choice.

You prioritize what is on your to-do list. Nobody else can do that for you. It's easy to say, "Well, I have this. I have that."

The truth of the matter is, is that you allow yourself to have on that list what you have. Nobody is dictating to us that we need to do certain things. We do those things, so I want you to feel empowered to focus after listening to today's show.

Does that mean you need to delegate?

Does that mean that you need to reprioritize?

Maybe you need to get rid of some stuff. All of these things put together will help you focus in an even greater way.

In This Episode

[00:45] - Jevonnah welcomes listeners to the episode, brought to you by the 2019 Thrive Summit
[01:39] - So many people ask Jevonnah, "Lady J., I just need to focus. How do I stay focused?"
[02:29] - Jevonnah tells us about The Daily Stoic.
[03:37] - It is so important that we know that we don't have to do everything.
[04:38] - Jevonnah talks about people pleasing, which is the subject of The Life Coach School podcast episode 256.
[05:32] - A recent coaching session with a high achiever gave Jevonnah the opportunity to give the client focus.
[6:17] - Jevonnah is excited to dive into the book Digital Minimalism by Cal Newport.
[9:25] - You can focus. You just got to make the choice to do it, to be intentional, and consistent in carrying it out.

Links and Resources

Jevonnah Ellison on Facebook

Jevonnah Ellison on Instagram

The Coaching Course

Thrive Mastermind

Jevonnah Ellison’s Thrive Summit 2019

The Daily Stoic by Ryan Holiday

The Life Coach School, Episode 256

Digital Minimalism by Cal Newport