Richard Tyler is the Chief Possibility Architect of BTFI Ltd, Bestselling Author, International Speaker, Coach and Provocateur. He has spent decades playing lead roles in West End Theatre like Phantom of the Opera & lays miss la ab la he sees human potential through the creative lens of performance. His mission is to enable everyone to be ‘Happy Humans Beings’, living their life ON Purpose. Through disrupting the personal development industry and provoking the way that people think, his passion to get YOU out of your own way, so you can live a limitless life and create a positive impact footprint on the planet.

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Check out his Limitless program 


Are you stuck? Lacking in confidence, procrastinating all over the shop & feeling frustrated that you could BE so much more? Then let me unlock your limiting beliefs & transform your thinking into action.  Test out my hypnotherapy, accountability, online course & awesome tribe of game changers in my LIMITLESS programme. Register for your 1 MONTH FREE TRIAL (no subscription/contract) here using the promo code ‘VIPACTION’ 

Come and check us out, access the resources and you can leave if it doesn’t blow your mind - what have you got to lose?!?