This week, we interview a ministerial couple, Molly Shoulta Tucker and Rob Tucker, on how to integrate religion into Thrive Co-Living Communities.  It’s a tough topic in these days of polarization, but we discuss the pros and cons and search for a healthy way to bring religion and spirituality into co-living communities. No firm answers were unearthed, but it is a lively discussion and provides a basis for how to handle this potentially divisive issue.  See what you think and please offer your feedback in the comments section below.    

To learn more and to connect with Rob and Molly, please visit and


Mark Stein is the founder of Thrive Co-Living Communities. He’s also the principal at Outmarket.Pro, a digital marketing agency that helps clients grow their businesses using lean startup principles. Learn more at  

Jennifer Hooper is an Intuitive Life Coach specializing in helping divorced women write a very happy ending to their divorce story. She’s as passionate about Thrive Co-Living Communities as she is about helping women grow their confidence and self-trust. For more information, visit