Welcome to the Thrive by Design podcast! I'm Tracy Matthews, and in this episode, we're diving into how to connect with your audience on social media to drive daily sales. 

Tune in to discover:

Why it’s not enough to know basic facts about your ideal customers - and what else you need to know

How to sell to men looking to buy jewelry for their wives

The right “vibe” your Instagram needs to attract your dream customers

What information to remove from your Instagram Bio that might be wasting space and unknowingly turning your customers away

How to take photos that match your brand without needing expensive equipment or expertise.

How to get your Instagram to show up in Google Search

How to increase engagement and simultaneously boost your posts in the algorithm

What’s more important to your social media strategy than how many times you post a week

How to generate ideas for reels that align with your customers’ needs and your business’s brand

The goldmine of content that you are probably sitting on without even realizing it!

Which types of the up to 5 hashtags you should use for each post

What automations are killing your relationship with your customers - and how to change them to make them effective and welcoming

xo Tracy

Here are the resources mentioned in the show:

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xo, Tracy Matthews


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