How to Focus Your Time When To Scale Your Business from 100K to 500K to 1MM

What got you here is not going to get you there. 

Even when you’ve had success in your business, you’ll need to adapt your strategy to get you to the next level. Growth requires plenty of introspection and getting out of the weeds to hire top talent and lead your team.

Step into the role of leader and break through that glass ceiling.

When you accept that you cannot possibly continue to do everything yourself and you begin to put top-level talent into support positions within your company, that’s when true growth starts to happen. 

It’s more than a mindset shift too… 

Getting your SOPs in order, knowing your KPIs, setting and tracking goals, and leading your team to understand and support your vision is the key to growth and the ability to scale.

In EP#405: How to Focus Your Time When To Scale Your Business from 100K to 500K to 1MM, I talk about…

What it actually takes to grow from $100,000 to $500,000 and beyond

When it’s time to start hiring and what positions to hire for

Building a team that’s aligned with your vision

How the growth of your company depends on you as a leader

Why accountability among leadership and your team is so critical

Plus, a vulnerable personal story…

Here are the resources mentioned in the show:

Do you need support in growing your business?

Book a Discovery Call, and let’s chat about how we can help you grow your business via our programs or coaching packages.

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xo, Tracy Matthews


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