JOIN US with our esteemed guest, Dr. Anne Whitehouse, as we explore WHY (& HOW) WOMEN HAVE SO MUCH POWER TO SHIFT EVERYTHING in our society’s struggle with self image, subconscious energy patterns, and the limitations of controlling behaviors. 

  Dr. Anne Whitehouse is the bestselling author ‘Pull Back Your Power’, id a PhD scientist turned Female Power Alchemist, and a subconscious transformation expert & coach.

Her mission is now to enable visionary women to level the energetic playing field, BREAK THROUGH SUCCESS LIMITS, income ceilings, visibility blocks, and POWERFULLY FULFILL THEIR DREAMS - all without changing their character, or having to sacrifice their feminine energy. 

After her own spectacular burnout in “the boys’ club” dynamic of university engineering, she uncovered the HIDDEN ROOT CAUSES that sabotage high-achieving women, and devised a game-changing solution.    

We’ll be talking about how the imbalance of the old programming undermines men, and how women can help us ALL move forwards into the new paradigm.   It’s all about balancing power!!! In order to have a truly balanced and empowered society, we each need to live fully in both our female AND male enlightened power, IN BALANCE. 

The subconscious operating system that undermines women so much is affecting men also thereby triggering the men in our lives. The result can EASILY be full of confrontation and their backlash to a sensitivity around control.  We can ALL BE FREE of the legacy of the past and begin to SHIFT THE BALANCE OF POWER.

This is the subject of Anne’s second book - which will soon be available to the public!

Monica McKenna for the secret link to join our live audience

We are excited to announce that Dr. Anne's book was selected to  be featured on our Book Club series on our Thrive and Shine Show Starting next Wednesday at 130 est time.

Congratulations Dr. 
Anne Whitehouse!

Join us live every Wednesday at 130 est.

Message for  the secret secret link.

Betsy Lanz my Cohost and I are so excited!

Order your copy here
Dr. Anne Whitehouse will be speaking inside of our free ladies empowerment group here in June. Join for free here

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