Welcome to the Decade of Transformation. While the 2020’s looks to be more challenging than the last one, investors will still need to balance their short-term needs against their long-term goals. We'd all like to pay our bills in full, retire on time, and grow our wealth as much as possible, but these objectives are often in conflict. With this in mind, I've built this episode to help you evaluate how to navigate the decade ahead in Crypto and Bitcoin.

Bitcoin in the 2010’s

The first Bitcoin transaction occurred on Jan. 12, 2009, when Satoshi Nakamoto sent 10 BTC to computer programmer Hal Finney. Since then, activity on the network has steadily accelerated, up and to the right, regardless of movements in price.

Since 2013, bitcoin has outperformed the world’s most popular stock indexes, including tech stocks and the S&P 500. While bitcoin’s price fluctuates, it’s trending up and to the right following many bull runs. This year, bitcoin has also outperformed world stock market indexes, generating a +132% return. In comparison, the Nasdaq 100 generated +17%, the S&P 500 +12%, the FTSE Europe 100 +11%, and the FTSE ASEAN 40 -3%.

Bitcoin & Crypto in the 2020s




From trading to utility

Emerging markets


Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs)

Decentralization will grow

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🔊 For Podcast ⚡ Lightning ⚡ Listeners

You can now use an app and support streaming sats to Thriller Premium.

Mobile: Breez is an excellent non-custodial Lightning wallet

Mobile + Desktop: Sphinx Chat also supports streaming to podcasts

Desktop/Browser: podStation browser extension

Mobile + Desktop: PodFriend as app and on web

Mobile + Desktop: CurioCaster as a progressive web app

More information is available at https://satoshis.stream

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