Car talks with John Carvalho, CEO of Synonym, a company dedicated to fostering Bitcoin adoption and envisioning a future where Bitcoin supersedes fiat currency. They explore the potential realities of a society free from the control of major financial, technological, and governmental institutions, discussing the role Bitcoiners play in shaping this desired future. John shares his insights on the importance of building on the Lightning Network and its implications for traditional financial systems like Visa. The conversation also covers Synonym's strategic approach to building a peer-to-peer economy, highlighting key projects like the BitKit wallet, Blocktank, and Slashtags and where they fit in their collaborative and competitive landscape. They delve into the broader implications of Bitcoin's growth post-ETF, halving events, and the concept of Bitcoin maximalism as it approaches near-universal adoption.

Topics discussed:

johns predictionslightning scalingvisahow to thinkbank techcustodial bitcoinlatest thingbitkit walletaestheticwallet builddependenciescompetitors collaboratorsblocktankslashtagswidgetspost etfbitrefillbitfinexbuildingpost halvingmaximalism 99%

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