Each week, we’re inviting you to help us document this crazy time, when we’re confronting a national crisis together — from alone in our homes. 

This week, we’re asking: Tell us about a song or a piece of music that’s especially meaningful to you right now. Or — sing it to us. Record up to one minute of audio and send it our way. To participate, go to www.thresholdpodcast.org. We’ve posted everything you need to know on how to record and how to submit. 

Just a couple days ago, we also found out that we’re one of 60 finalists for the Peabody Awards. They’re one of the biggest and most prestigious awards in journalism. And we’re just wowed that they selected us as a finalist - out of more than 1,200 submissions. We could never have done this without you, our listeners. We’re halfway to our goal of $3,000 for Giving Tuesday Now - to show your support, visit thresholdpodcast.org/donate. Thank you.