My guest today, Brent Kesler, was a chiropractor and owned several chiropractic practices. He was making a very good income, but he was spending all of his income and much more. After working for a decade he found himself under a mountain of debt. The only way he knew to get out of debt was to work harder and trade more time for more money. That is until he went to a conference and met a few chiropractors who had implemented a method often referred to as infinite banking. 

After implementing The Money Multiplier (TMM) Method, Brent was able to pay off $984,711 in 3rd party debt in 39 months. He became so passionate about how powerful this concept was, he began to share it with others. His main goal in making this move was simply to help more people understand how to manage and grow their wealth.

Book Recommendation: Become Your Own Banker by Nelson Nash

Prayer Request: For Brent's wife's hip.

Connect with Brent: Website: The Money Multiplier - Become Your Own Banker, Email: [email protected]

Connect with Lee: Website: THREEFOLD - Real Estate Investing (, Email: [email protected], Facebook: Threefold Real Estate Investing | Facebook, LinkedIn: Lee Yoder | LinkedIn