My guest today, TJ Kosen, was not an overnight success. Though he bought well and managed well, he lost money on his first two multifamily properties. However, today, TJ is experiencing incredible success. This is because TJ took responsibility for his mistakes and learned from them. His mother was part of this experience and reminded TJ that the process is more important than the result and the most important thing is the people you impact. Today, TJ is impacting many people with his business and his educational material.

Book Recommendation: 12 Rules for Life by Jordan Peterson

Prayer Requests: TJ and his wife are expecting their second child in August!

Connect with TJ: Website: Our Company | Platinum Real Estate Mastermind (, Facebook: (1) TJ Kosen | Facebook, YouTube: T.J. Kosen - YouTube

Connect with Lee: Website: THREEFOLD - Real Estate Investing (, Email: [email protected], Facebook: Threefold Real Estate Investing | Facebook, LinkedIn: Lee Yoder | LinkedIn

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