Welcome Dr. Jeff Anzalone back to the podcast! Dr. Anzalone is the brains behind Debt-Free Doctor, a service that helps doctors and healthcare professionals to create passive income while still working in the medical space. He is a full-time periodontist as well as an author. His main goal in his real estate work is to show people how they can stop trading their time for money, and increase their income dramatically. One of his main points in our conversation is around the importance of mindset and how we have to get away from an outlook based on scarcity before we can experience success. We also discuss Robert Kiyosaki's Cash Flow Quadrant and why Dr. Anzalone uses this concept as the initial step for those wanting to begin investing passively in real estate. It is clear that Dr. Anzalone has a passion and dedication for helping others achieve a better financial life! Tune in to get it all!

Jeff's Previous Appearance: Episode 41- https://spotifyanchor-web.app.link/e/CA6E020BAwb

Connect with Jeff: 

Website: Investing in Real Estate for Passive Income | Debt-Free Doctor (debtfreedr.com)

Blog: Blog Posts by Dr. Jeff Anzalone - Debt-Free Doctor (debtfreedr.com) 

LinkedIn: Jeff Anzalone | LinkedIn

YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/DebtFreeDoctorJeffAnzalone?app=desktop

Book Recommendation: Goals by: Brian Tracy

Prayer Request: Parenting two teenagers!

Connect with Lee: Website: THREEFOLD - Real Estate Investing (threefoldrei.com), Email: [email protected], Facebook: Threefold Real Estate Investing | Facebook, LinkedIn: Lee Yoder | LinkedIn,

NEW!!! YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGM93x6ZEDa4n9yH7UP97iA

Check out our Free E-book! https://threefoldrei.ac-page.com/5-steps-to-passive-income-for-the-full-time-dad