My guest today, Austin Linney, has had a wild ride on his journey to real estate success to say the least. He is very open about his past addictions and poor life choices. He hit rock bottom when he was kicked out of his parents house and forced to live under his friends staircase. And this was only one of his rock-bottoms! However, through it all, he maintained his strong work ethic and determination to do more with his life. Eventually, he dealt with some of his deep-seeded emotions and got honest about what he wanted in his life. He also improved the people he spent time with and allowed to fill his head with ideas. 

Today Austin is nearly financially independent through his real estate investments. He hosts a great podcast, ‎Construct Your Life With Austin Linney on Apple Podcasts, and coaches students longing to better construct their lives, many whom have struggled with addictions themselves. Austin is such an inspiration to me and is inspiring his coaching students, his podcast listens, and his followers all over the world. 

Book recommendation: Escape the Rat Race by Robert Kiyosaki

Prayer requests: Austin asks us to pray for people with addictions as they are often really struggling this time of year. He also asks us to take extra time with our kids and all those we come into contact with.

Connect with Dave: Email: Website: Home - Construct Your Life Podcast | Austin Linney

Connect with Lee: Website: THREEFOLD - Real Estate Investing (, Email: [email protected], Phone: 937-400-3044