In this solo episode of The Liberated Woman podcast, I explore how a strong mindset can sometimes hinder growth aka 'fumble the bag' by making us hold on to outdated commitments.


I share insights from my journey of writing my book, emphasising the need to let go of the old to embrace new opportunities.


I discuss the importance of listening to our bodies, setting healthy boundaries, and prioritising personal fulfilment over perfection.

Key Points:
Strong Mindset Challenges: A strong mindset can impede growth by causing us to cling to outdated commitments.
Personal Journey: Writing her book solidified Tamu’s values and beliefs, highlighting the need for evolution.
Evolving Offers: Recognising when to update professional offerings to align with personal growth.
Listening to the Body: Acknowledging physical and emotional signals as indicators for change.
Healthy Boundaries: Essential for self-preservation and maintaining energy.
Fulfilment Over Perfection: Prioritising personal fulfilment and rest over the relentless pursuit of perfection.

Start paying attention to your body. That exhaustion isn't a sign of weakness – it's a call for rest. It has nothing to do with how organised you are or a sign that you need to work on time management. Honour your body before it forces you to stop.
Create healthy boundaries. Saying no isn't selfish; it's self-preservation. Protect your energy like you protect your most prized possession.
Make rest a regular practice. Explore the seven types of rest – physical, mental, emotional, social, sensory, creative, and spiritual. Experiment and find what replenishes you.
Challenge your beliefs. If "more" is always better, what does "enough" look like for you? How can you prioritise fulfilment over exhaustion? The word exhaustion can also be exchanged for perfection.