Welcome to episode 31 where I am joined by Homeopath, Rita Robinson.  


In this episode Rita shares how homeopathy and her super niche area of specialism found her.  Rita specialises in working with people (mainly children) that have been injured by vaccination or on the Autistic spectrum.  She also shares how she has built resilience and support to transcend the trolling and hate mail she receives from people that are critical of her work.


To be clear this is not a conversation about whether people should or should not be vaccinated.  Our conversation is about Rita's work, how her micro-niche has grown to employ four people and allow her husband to work part time so that he can support Rita.


Rita also shares noteworthy insights on tech and fatigue.  Full show notes here.



The next Everyday Joy day retreat takes place o 08/06/19.  It will be the last one until early 2020.  Future day retreats will be part of a package and will therefore not be widely available.  If you have been interested in attending one of my day retreats I implore you to join me for this one.  It's going to be nourishing and transformational.  Details and booking here.