Summary of the show:

In this episode, we delve into the world of movement-building with the remarkable Samantha Moyo, the visionary behind the global sensation, Morning Gloryville.

Samantha, an expert in creating movements, shares her incredible journey of launching Morning Gloryville, the pioneering early morning rave that captivated the world. With no initial plan or strategy, Samantha trusted her vision, took aligned action, and refined her approach along the way. Her story is a testament to the power of believing in your vision and backing yourself, even before seeing the results.

Hailing from Zimbabwe and deeply influenced by the philosophy of Ubuntu, which means "I am because we are," Samantha emphasises the interconnectedness of all people and nature. She encourages us to tap into the potent power of nature and treat it with reverence, believing that respect for nature fosters respect for ourselves and each other.

In our conversation, Samantha also discusses the importance of moving away from systemic oppression by not seeking approval from oppressive systems. Instead, she advocates for finding peace and joy within ourselves and building communities based on these principles. By doing so, we can create new systems centred on being joyful, loving, and peaceful.

Tune in to hear Samantha’s insights on:

Trusting your vision and taking action
The philosophy of Ubuntu and its impact on her work
The journey from a 20-person rave to a global phenomenon
The importance of respecting nature and its connection to self-respect
Building communities based on peace and joy

Samantha’s inspiring journey and profound wisdom will leave you motivated to take bold action, trust your vision, and contribute to creating a more connected and joyful world. Don’t miss this enlightening conversation!


More about today’s guest:

Samantha is on a mission to inspire humans to bring more beauty into the world through brave, bold, and courageous action. Her authentic and impactful delivery has made a mark in various industries, working with companies like Accenture, Nike, Olio, Google, Redbull, Samsung, ITV, Zespri, Virgin, Heineken, and Unilever.

As the founder of Morning Gloryville, a global wellness movement, Samantha pioneered early morning dance parties, hosting events in 23 cities with a talent roster that included Carl Cox, Fatboy Slim, Basement Jaxx, Timanti, Mark Knight, and Roger Sanchez.

From advisory sessions at 10 Downing Street to talks with 600 school kids, or getting 250 Heineken Group CEOs dancing, Sam brings an energy that leaves audiences feeling illuminated, motivated, and ready to reach new heights.


Connect with Sam:





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