In this special episode, Chad talks with Rachel Cordasco about a new Three Percent project focusing on translators as curators. Over the course of the next month, we'll be posting a number of different types of posts—excerpts, profiles, readings, shorter podcasts, movie clips—using the five works of Italian science fiction Rachel selected as the starting point. 

In case it gets lost in the podcast, here are the five books in Rachel Cordasco's "Italian Science-Fiction Collection":

Cancerqueen by Tommaso Landolfi (tr Raymond Rosenthal)(1971)
Storie naturali (1966, as by Damiano Malabaila) and Vizio di forma  (1971)

selections from both in The Sixth Day and Other Tales (tr Raymond Rosenthal, 1990) full translations of these & all Levi titles in Complete Works of Primo Levi (2015), w/ the two collections above tr Jenny McPhee

Nexhuman by Francesco Verso (tr Sally McCorry) (2015)
Creative Surgery by Clelia Farris (tr Rachel Cordasco and Jennifer Delare) (2020)
Bug by Giacomo Sartori (tr Frederika Randall) (2021)

Stay tuned for more information about these titles and other related books. 

This episode's music is "Motherboard" by Daft Punk.

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