Welcome to a very special Episode 63

This week

Steve and Pierre are joined by our very special guest Tommy from Tommyshantverk.

Tommy tells us all about his special build for a famous Swedish influencer, Pierre has been splashing the cash big style and Steve is still working on his TOP secret project but all will be revealed.

Our Obsessions this Week

Steves Has been obsessed with Pierres obsession from last week Kelle Flodin on YouTube and Steve has binge watched all hi videos. But he also found time to watch a YouTube channel called Matthew Peech a channel all about woodworking with some great projects and great advice about what to make to sell. Matthew is also on instagram at @matthewpeechwoodowrking go take a look

Pierre Is obsessed with a YouTube channel called Wittworks especially the video about 3M tract Sandpaper Drew is also on instagram @witt_works go take a look

Tommy is obsessed with a YouTube channel called Sawer Design and Tommy loves the complex but beautiful builds so go take a look

Don’t forget the aftershow on Discord link in our instagram profile

Tommy can be found on Instagram @tommyshantverk and on YouTube at Tommyshantverk

So Steve and Pierre will see you all next week

The Three Northern Makers Are

Steve @stevebellcreates on instagram and YouTube at Steve Bell Creates

Steve lives in North Yorkshire in the UK

Pierre @theswedishmaker on Instagram and The Swedish Maker on YouTube Pierre lives near Gothenburg in Sweden

We can be found on instagram @threeNorthernMakers so check us out

We also have our own woodworking/makers community on Discord.com

We will be releasing a new episode every Sunday morning so please subscribe like and leave a review to hear our humble ramblings about making things and all that life throws at us

If you have any questions or comments

please email the show at [email protected]