In this episode, I talk about the rising age of women, women’s rights and how I feel certain things in this new age of “girl power” has happened for us to get to where we are now and continue to make progress towards equality and women reclaiming their power. I also talk about the #MeToo … Continue reading 004: The Rising Age of Women + Shame After Trauma →

In this episode, I talk about the rising age of women, women’s rights and how I feel certain things in this new age of “girl power” has happened for us to get to where we are now and continue to make progress towards equality and women reclaiming their power.

I also talk about the #MeToo and Time’s Up campaigns, the Trump presidency, Harvey Weinstein, as well as women experiencing guilt and shame after trauma due to the peer pressure these campaigns present.


Explicit language is certainly used. I get loud, angry and passionate in this episode so if that’s not you’re thing, you’ve been warned! I also talk about harassment that I had experienced and mention words that may be triggering.

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Instagram: @threemoonsmystic