Welcome to Three Mile Island Yacht Club, where we are increasingly less frequent and prepared for our own comedic bits. Follow along with us as we hang out in an elevator with the Devil himself and talk about the bullshit that is the failing US empire. || TOPICS: Cain, Abel, and the 6ft tall pile of Jizz // Outrunning the Freeze // M. Night “Big Brain Wojack” Shyamalan // Happy Coming Out, Abigail Thorn // YouTube? Not Even Once! // Deleuze’s Gnarly Finger Nails // We’ve been gone for almost two months, we’re sorry. Anyway, Hail Satan // Be Gay Do Crime, except the Holocaust don’t do that // Biden, President Comatose Parsnip // Werner Herzog Eats His Shoe, Criterion Edition // The Libs Are Not Okay // RIP Oval Office Diet Coke Button // Gas Prices and the Mouvement des Gilets Jaunes(French Yellow Vests movement) // Our thoughts on J6 // Cops: they’re all bastards, folks // Time to talk about S T O N K S// Regular people dabbling in the stock market is not the proletarian uprising // Turns out the market is not free and the invisible hand is actually pretty visible // Philly’s Vaccine Rollout, Very Bad! // Zoomer psychology grad student grifters are the logical conclusion to the privatization of government function // Failsons Run The World // We Miss You Donny T || Don't forget to follow us on Twitter! https://twitter.com/TMIYachtClubPod || Music: "Slaughter" by The Passion Hi-Fi —http://www.thepassionhifi.com

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