Relive retro horror with the HauntedPS1 Demo Disc, Flash games are getting saved, and Marooners arrives on Nintendo Switch

❤️ HauntedPS1 Demo Disc is a collection of 17 retro styled horror games available for free on (

💚 Newgrounds ( are working on a project to emulator flash games and animations before Abobe discontinues its support at the end of 2020

💙 Marooners ( is now available on Nintendo Switch

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This show is part of the Dragon Powered Studio network, find more awesome geeky shows like this right HERE ( 🐲

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Relive retro horror with the HauntedPS1 Demo Disc, Flash games are getting saved, and Marooners arrives on Nintendo Switch

❤️ HauntedPS1 Demo Disc is a collection of 17 retro styled horror games available for free on

💚 Newgrounds are working on a project to emulator flash games and animations before Abobe discontinues its support at the end of 2020

💙 Marooners is now available on Nintendo Switch

How many lives did you get on this Level? Why not let me know over on Twitter or Facebook? 👾

➡️ Support this show on Patreon

This show is part of the Dragon Powered Studio network, find more awesome geeky shows like this right HERE 🐲

Three Extra Lives on social media

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