The Brothers Go Head-to-head Before we say anything else, we need to apologize. In this episode, not one of us made mention of Seinfeld—which is a tragedy and a mistake. A colossal oversight. We apologize forever. Back to the show… Each brother makes a list of 5 massive TV shows that come to their …

83: Top Five TV Shows, Head-to-Head Read More »

The Brothers Go Head-to-head

Before we say anything else, we need to apologize. In this episode, not one of us made mention of Seinfeld—which is a tragedy and a mistake. A colossal oversight. We apologize forever. Back to the show…

Each brother makes a list of 5 massive TV shows that come to their mind. Some more personal than others. Some more “mass-appeal” than others. And it’s up to you all who had the best list as we go down memory-lane a little with these names. 

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