I interviewed Ray Hurst, also known as (Papa Ray). He's an international speaker, entrepreneur, coach, pastor, missionary, author, artist, and poet.  Papa Ray has been married for 36 years, started and run three different companies and a ministry. He's currently building a local and national outreach to raise awareness of absent and abusive fathers.  Ray knows firsthand the fear of abandonment and the pain of rejection caused by growing up without a father. He understands firsthand the struggle of not believing he was worthy or loved.
After surviving two major depressions, he's now teaching people how to change the meaning of what happened in their past so that it will not be a part of their future.   In the first one, he went bankrupt, losing his business and his home. In the second, some twenty years later, he nearly lost his life.  After the second battle with depression, a significant shift happened in his life.  Ray realized that he was not the only one who felt forsaken and left alone to fight for his life. Assisting others as they faced their hurts and overcame their pain gave him a sense of purpose. He understood that his life's calling was to reach out to help other people feel loved and wanted.
Now Papa Ray's greatest passion is writing and developing easy-to-understand teachings people can follow to show them how they are worthy and help them see their real purpose in life to help them find freedom!
One of the most potent transformation tools that he uses is "A Father's Blessing." This is where he stands as a father and blesses them as a son or daughter.  According to Ray, he has been using this blessing to touch people's hearts and lives of all ages and backgrounds. He has seen families restored and lives radically changed after people received this blessing.
He states "I love to talk about, Understand emotions. Healing the wounds of absent and abusive fathers, Finding your purpose." 

I encourage the listeners to follow him and learn. 
Everyone has a story, and this is his story.

Below are the sites that house his work.

Visit our Threads store:  https://threads-of-enlightenment.myshopify.com/
We shop worldwide to find some of the highest-quality and some limited hard-to-find products online for you. We work closely with many suppliers to get the lowest prices. Enjoy our store!!!!!!.
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Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links. If you make a purchase, I may receive a commission at no extra cost to you.

https://www.patreon.com/threadsofenlightenmentt?fan_landing=true (Support the show) (https://www.patreon.com/threadsofenlightenmentt?fan_landing=true)

I interviewed Ray Hurst, also known as (Papa Ray). He's an international speaker, entrepreneur, coach, pastor, missionary, author, artist, and poet.  Papa Ray has been married for 36 years, started and run three different companies and a ministry. He's currently building a local and national outreach to raise awareness of absent and abusive fathers.  Ray knows firsthand the fear of abandonment and the pain of rejection caused by growing up without a father. He understands firsthand the struggle of not believing he was worthy or loved.

After surviving two major depressions, he's now teaching people how to change the meaning of what happened in their past so that it will not be a part of their future.   In the first one, he went bankrupt, losing his business and his home. In the second, some twenty years later, he nearly lost his life.  After the second battle with depression, a significant shift happened in his life.  Ray realized that he was not the only one who felt forsaken and left alone to fight for his life. Assisting others as they faced their hurts and overcame their pain gave him a sense of purpose. He understood that his life's calling was to reach out to help other people feel loved and wanted.

Now Papa Ray's greatest passion is writing and developing easy-to-understand teachings people can follow to show them how they are worthy and help them see their real purpose in life to help them find freedom!

One of the most potent transformation tools that he uses is "A Father's Blessing." This is where he stands as a father and blesses them as a son or daughter.  According to Ray, he has been using this blessing to touch people's hearts and lives of all ages and backgrounds. He has seen families restored and lives radically changed after people received this blessing.

He states "I love to talk about, Understand emotions. Healing the wounds of absent and abusive fathers, Finding your purpose." 

I encourage the listeners to follow him and learn. 

Everyone has a story, and this is his story.

Below are the sites that house his work.

Visit our Threads store:  https://threads-of-enlightenment.myshopify.com/
We shop worldwide to find some of the highest-quality and some limited hard-to-find products online for you. We work closely with many suppliers to get the lowest prices. Enjoy our store!!!!!!.

Goode Health
personalized nutrition that's effective, convenient, and affordable — because everyone deserves goo

Makes the best supplements for your health by creating non-GMO, plant-based, vegan ingredients.

SEO content marketing,
competitor research, PPC & social media marketing from just one platform.

Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links. If you make a purchase, I may receive a commission at no extra cost to you.

Support the show (https://www.patreon.com/threadsofenlightenmentt?fan_landing=true)