Extra-Extra! We caught ourselves a Newsie! *Fangirls-out* And it's who, Sir? It's all who, Sir? It's Mr. Andrew Keenan-Bolger! (Say what?! *faints*) And he's here to take a bite out of some Heavy Metal with Faith No More's Angel Dust, before reliving the wubbulous world of Seussical the Meussical after it's floppulous run in 2000!
Plus, we chat Andrew's latest play- Dracula: a Comedy of Terrors; Puppetry; Success; Fansies; Night of a Thousand Chips; Playing multiple characters in one scene, plus HEAPS more in this hilariously charming episode!

Andrew on Socials: https://twitter.com/KeenanBlogger -- https://instagram.com/KeenanBlogger -- https://www.andrewkeenanbolger.com

Dracula: a Comedy of Terror Tickets: https://draculacomedy.com/#tickets

Spencer on Socials: https://www.twitter.com/SpencerSher_

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