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It was such a great opportunity to reconnect with Yasmin Tajik on this episode. Yasmin has had a life filled with amazing adventures traveling the world since she was a young girl. Her photography journey started to take professional shape as she worked in Las Vegas in the lobster...yes, I said LOBSTER industry. She's had a passion for animals of all kinds which has infused it's way into her work. But most importantly, after a conversation with her mom a number of years back, she felt the calling to pursue a more humanitarian approach to her work. That conversation has spurred an impactful jump in her career to share the stories of disadvantaged people around the world partnering with organizations fighting sex-trafficking, girls and women’s rights and education, and animal poaching.

"It is my goal to inspire compassion and a connection between the viewer of the image and the subject. By finding our commonalities, played out in different countries, climates and clothes, it brings us closer together, creating an understanding that we all want the same things in life, food on our table, a roof over our heads, good health, to love and be loved."

She now partners with S.A.F.E. Kenya, American Wild Horse Campaign, and The Great Plains Foundation specifically through prints sales from her Fine Art Print site.

This is the first of two episodes with Yasmin as we just had too much good stuff to chat about to jam into one long episode.

Check out all of Yasmin's work


Fine Art Prints:

Instagram: @ytajik

Fine Art Instagram: @yasmintajikfineart

Shalimar Studios Website: