Everyone thinks they can do stand up comedy.  It's a totally different animal when you are up there on stage with a bunch of fresh faces expecting you to make them laugh.  To do stand up comedy you have 5 minutes to get the crowd on your side, then make them laugh.  It's not as easy as it looks.  Since I like a challenge and a good story I took a shot at being a comic in my twenties.  Meaning I tried it once.  It didn't go well, I never tried it again.  So I figured I would tell you the story.  

Let's follow that up with the time a friend blew up at comic right in the middle of his set.  Yup! We had to leave.  The audience was pissed and the comedy club gave us two tickets.  Weird I know!  Even more amazing was the fact that I thought the comedian was going to light him up.  Nope, he started debating the merit of his stand up act.  I thought, this isn't time for a debate.  It's time for a verbal beat down.  Well that didn't happen and I realized in that moment, we were watching a really bad comedian.  If you're gonna be a stand up comedian, it shouldn't matter what the heckler says.  You gotta light that dude up for interrupting your set.  Especially when they are way to drunk to be talking smack.  

Weed facts this week are all about vape carts.  How does that relate to stand up comedy?  It doesn't it, but the vape carts I use do give me the giggles so maybe.  Either way we're talking about what makes a good vape cart and what the primary ingredients in a vape cart are.  

Dude for real! Animals like to get high too.  This week is a list of 8 animals that regularly get high on psychedelics.  So next time you start getting all self conscious about your weed use.  Don't worry, animals get high too.  

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