Previous Episode: Ownership of Destiny
Next Episode: Meditation

“I would rather see a student of this Science prove its Principle than to have him repeat all the words of wisdom that have ever been uttered.” -Ernest Holmes


The actual application of the method.

Moving beyond theory.

To become a living embodiment of the theory through practical application is what is requested of New Thought followers. So this week I am going to offer five practices to try, one for each day.

“I would rather see a student of this Science prove its Principle than to have him repeat all the words of wisdom that have ever been uttered.”
-Ernest Holmes


The actual application of the method.

Moving beyond theory.

To become a living embodiment of the theory through practical application is what is requested of New Thought followers. So this week I am going to offer five practices to try, one for each day.

We are going to start with something that is actually pretty easy to do. It doesn’t require any special considerations, just a willingness to participate.

Let’s begin today with centering. As a practice, centering is different than meditation because there is an active element, and it is the beginning of developing a meditation practice.

Centering is actively focusing our attention toward what we perceive as the inner self. Many people will say, “turn your attention within.” In doing this you have an opportunity to shift the predominant focus you may have on the outer experiences of living. When we practice centering each day we are actively engaged in reminding ourselves of the truth of our being (and you get to decide what that means for you).

When we turn our attention to to core of our being, we may find the spark of creation at our center. That is our inherent Divine space that is untouched by anything in the material expression. What we may find, as we continue the practice is that our focus within begins to shift the material expression of life around us.

Let’s try centering right now… and make sure you are in a place you can easily engage in the practice. If you are driving the car… it’s probably not a good time, but you can take a moment to do it sitting in your parked car. The nice thing about this practice is you can do it anywhere.

Begin first by bringing an intention to mind to allow yourself the luxury of deepening into your inner knowing. Be willing to release old paradigms and outdated concepts of being. Whatever is happening in the world around you doesn’t require your attention right now, so allow yourself to let any attention to those worldly things dissipate.

Let your focus simply fall now to your breath.

Your breath is natural and easy. It is the reflection of the infinite flow, the infinite giving and receiving.

There is nothing you need to do to make it happen, you can just let it happen.

Settle even deeper in this moment to the recognition of the safe space in your heart, the center of your being. Within this safe space is your point of power. Claim it for yourself that at the center of your being is a perfect sanctuary, it is always available to you.

Now deepen into the inherent feeling of power at your center. Your center is the point from which all joy, love, light, peace, beauty, life, and power spring forth.

Your center is the core of creation.

Make the active decision now that this is your point of view.

Now begin to broaden your awareness to outer experiences. Decide here and now that those outer experiences are seen through the lens of your centeredness. Each outer experience is rooted in joy, love, light, peace, beauty, life, and power.

As you move forward in your day, carry this centered experience with you. You have just changed yourself through centering. Celebrate it! You are a way Infinity is expressing as individuality!