Previous Episode: Love Language
Next Episode: Beyond Adulting

“Know that nothing can hinder you but yourself. If you believe you can, you can. You cannot fail if you start with the proposition that Life is all there is.” -Ernest Holmes

How do we make it work?

We don’t. 

That’s the good and bad news of it all. I think I have been challenged by faith lately. It seems to be at the forefront of my mind, and it is being reflected around me. I was having a conversation recently with someone who is looking to make change in life and the question that kept coming up was, “What do I do?”

“Know that nothing can hinder you but yourself. If you believe you can, you can. You cannot fail if you start with the proposition that Life is all there is.”
-Ernest Holmes

How do we make it work?

We don’t. 

That’s the good and bad news of it all. I think I have been challenged by faith lately. It seems to be at the forefront of my mind, and it is being reflected around me. I was having a conversation recently with someone who is looking to make change in life and the question that kept coming up was, “What do I do?”

It’s not an easy question to answer from the point of view of faith.

What has come through for me to say, though, is this: Do something, anything. You will know very quickly if you are on the right path, the path in service to your higher good. If you find the path is not in service that higher good… choose a new path.

We are programmed. Our programming begins early in our development of the experience of life in this plane of action. That is why the question of “what do I do?” is the easy question to fall back on. I believe we need to stop asking the question to begin with, and live in the certainty of the statement, “I am always led in the most constructive direction for the joyful fulfillment of my life.” To move to this place of assuredness and affirmation we need to reprogram our automatic response from one of questioning to one of knowing. This is the point of Spiritual practice.

We question because we think we don’t know. We believe that there is some answer beyond our reach and our knowing. I have come to rely more and more on affirming that I am the perfect center of my experience of the infinite, and that there is always that within me that knows, and knows that it knows. This must be true because I am not separate from the infinite (if I were… it would be finite). I affirm, my mind is the infinite mind, and all answers to that which I seek are available because the same mind that created the question is the mind that has the answer.

A great question to ask when I think I don’t know… “If you DID know, what would the answer be?”

It’s a little bit of a trick to get the mind off of thinking it doesn’t know and open up to what is possible.

I relieve myself today of the burden of not knowing. That is within my reach and power because I know who I am. I am the incarnation, the expression, the impress, and the circumference of the Infinite. I am always led in the perfect direction.

What a magnificent answer.