The fundamental question for most established organisations is to define what role your IT team are to play in the journey of business transformation.

How this role is defined could be the game changer needed to drive sustainable business value. …

The post Episode 7 – Is successful business transformation possible without IT’s involvement? | Thought Leadership Podcast Series appeared first on Livingstone Advisory.

The fundamental question for most established organisations is to define what role your IT team are to play in the journey of business transformation.

How this role is defined could be the game changer needed to drive sustainable business value. In this episode Rob shares his perspectives and insights on how and why the engagement of your IT function (and/or IT vendors) can make or break your business transformation strategies and initiatives – and more importantly, offers tips on how to minimise adverse business outcomes.

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The post Episode 7 – Is successful business transformation possible without IT’s involvement? | Thought Leadership Podcast Series appeared first on Livingstone Advisory.