This episode features #ThoughtLeaders and #Experts Joey Price, Ridgely Goldsborough, and Jeff Crilley.
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#685: Joey Price and Mitchell Levy on Thought Leader Life Credibility Episode

Scale up your business with innovative HR consulting strategies. This episode features #ThoughtLeader and #Expert Joey Price (, a human resources small business CEO, HR subject matter expert, business podcast host, and social media influencer.

Joey Price is the CEO of Jumpstart:HR, an organization that aims to grow small businesses and start-ups through innovative cutting-edge HR consulting solutions. He has earned numerous recognitions, one of which is “Top 30 HR Professional Under 30” by SHRM’s HR Magazine.

If you’re in a small business and you acknowledge the essence of ascending the HR higher to elevate your people to the top, it is best to reach out to Joey Price by logging on to or by visiting his profile at

Here are several AHA messages from this episode:

Small businesses who want to elevate their HR, but don’t want to do it themselves should reach out to Joey Price. #HR @JumpstartHR
My passion is to help our employees be better at work, show up better at work, and suffer less of those negative consequences that workplaces can have such as stress, burnout, turnover… things of that nature. #HR @JumpstartHR
COVID taught us that our people are what is going to save our businesses and so even this moment that we’re in, it’s not enough to think of this as a blank slate, but more a clean pivot into building the company that you want to build. #HR @JumpstartHR
I found ways to provide value to companies by making sure that they’re building a workplace culture that they want to enjoy and be around so that more people are excited about Monday than they are about Friday. #HR @JumpstartHR
You know, we’re not here to save the sinking ships, but we’re really to help those that want to perform at a greater level, take that next step and have a guide! #HR @JumpstartHR

To view the video interview click here.

#686: Ridgely Goldsborough and Mitchell Levy on Thought Leader Life Credibility Episode

Discover your mind type to ameliorate your culture, messaging, and marketing. This episode features #ThoughtLeader and #Expert Ridgely Goldsborough (, an author and international keynote speaker.

Ridgely Goldsborough is the founder of Mind Types and Avatar Formula, an innovative messaging and marketing program, which is deployed into their system to attract ideal customers based on the establishment’s “why”. He believes in getting around challenges and sharing breakthroughs.

If you’re a spiritual entrepreneur and you find yourself to be invisible, consider reaching out to Ridgely Goldsborough by emailing him at [email protected] or by visiting and

Here are several AHA messages from this episode:

Spiritual entrepreneurs who are invisible should reach out to Ridgely Goldsborough. #MindType @RidgelyG
So, I just set an intent that when we’re here together like you and I are here together right now, I want to make sure that I fully show up for you. And this is a magical moment. #MindType @RidgelyG
First of all, what I want people to do is discover their #MindType. Who are you? What do you stand for? What’s your why? @RidgelyG
My purpose in life is to help people communicate who they truly are to each other, so that this becomes a better planet, a better world, and we are all more connected. #MindType @RidgelyG
I want people to discover their #MindType. So that we can express that to the world in a meaningful way, such that you begin to attract people to you. And then we deploy that messaging everywhere so that you become a giant magnet for ideal clients. @RidgelyG

To view the video interview click here.

#687: Jeff Crilley and Mitchell Levy on Thought Leader Life Credibility Episode

Redefine public relations at the speed of news. This episode features #ThoughtLeader and #Expert Jeff Crilley (, the CEO of Real News PR.

Jeff Crilley is a former Emmy award-winning reporter. A best-selling author, he sold well over 100,000 copies of his book “Free Publicity”. Throughout his illustrious career, he had made hundreds of national news appearances including CNN, CNN Headline News, FOX News, The Discovery Channel, Good Morning America, and The CBS Early Show, just to name a few.

If you are a professional or organization that seeks exposure and PR, consider reaching out to Jeff Crilley by visiting or by shooting him an e-mail at  [email protected].

Here are several AHA messages from this episode:

Professionals who are not in the news should reach out to Jeff Crilley. #PRNews @jeffcrilley
A guest said, “Jeff, you serve the spiritual stew. You brought the pot. Somebody brought the broccolis. Somebody brought carrots that day. Somebody brought potatoes that day… And it is a wonderful stew!!!” #PRNews @jeffcrilley
Throughout my career, I spent 25 years in front of the TV camera– in Lansing, Omaha, Minneapolis, and Dallas. I was even in the streets of Dallas for 15 years! #PRNews @jeffcrilley
I authored a book called Free Publicity, sold 75,000 copies of that book through speeches, 300 speeches a year for 6 straight years. And since then, I have given away another 30,000 books! #PRNews @jeffcrilley
Well, I like to brag that I run this “Thank God It’s Monday” company. I hired these pleasers who work tirelessly to make our clients feel special. We really give everybody the VIP treatment!!! #PRNews @jeffcrilley

To view the video interview click here.

To learn more about Thought Leadership and how it can help you be successful, visit

The post #685-687: Price, Goldsborough, Crilley w/ Mitchell Levy on Thought Leader Life Credibility appeared first on FIR Podcast Network.

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