This episode features #ThoughtLeaders and #Experts Nancy Sherr, Jim Vasconcellos, and Brian Doyle.
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#665: Nancy Sherr and Mitchell Levy on Thought Leader Life Credibility Episode

Unlock your preeminence and joyfully put it to work in the world. This episode features #ThoughtLeader and #Expert Nancy Sherr (, a career coach and consultant.

Nancy Sherr is a pundit in optimizing career and job transitions. She has developed CareerDNA, her signature framework, to help seasoned professionals and executives achieve their preeminence. She has an obsession with creating great career outcomes.

If you are experiencing career malaise and you need to unlock your preeminence, it is best to reach out to Nancy Sheer by e-mailing her at [email protected] or by visiting her LinkedIn profile on

Here are several AHA messages from this episode:

Individuals who are experiencing career malaise should reach out to Nancy Sherr. #Preeminence @NancySherr
Through my work, leading teams of people, and helping people to grow and optimize their careers, I became really curious, even more so, about what really brings a person into their best self at work. #Preeminence @NancySherr
Leaving my corporate life, I did a ton of research, testing and developed a framework that’s in place today. I’ve taken hundreds of people since then to help them get a superior result and do work which is relevant and truly them. #Preeminence @NancySherr
I have a long corporate career. I worked at Fidelity Investments for 22 years. When I joined that firm, there were 715 employees, and when I left, there were 45,000. So, I was a part of the phenomenal growth period for that firm. #Preeminence @NancySherr
I work with seasoned professionals and senior-level leaders who have reached their career crossroads, and truly want to make a change, and really want to unlock what makes them unique and amazing. #Preeminence @NancySherr

To view the video interview click here.

#667: Jim Vasconcellos and Mitchell Levy on Thought Leader Life Credibility Episode

Helping leaders with an undefined execution issue by assessing and defining their problems. This episode features #ThoughtLeader and #Expert Jim Vasconcellos ( He is the Senior Consultant at ProAction Consulting. Jim helps clients develop and manage strategic, cultural, and structural changes in their organizations.

Their uniqueness lies in their “inside-out” approach, which uses the skills, knowledge and creativity of your people to focus on individual, and organizational growth. Their experience enables us to facilitate solutions that achieve maximum results with minimum investment, and they do it quickly.

If you’re a leader within undefined execution problem, you should reach out to Jim Vasconcellos by visiting his website at or

Here are a couple of AHA messages from this episode:

#Leaders with an undefined execution issue should reach out to Jim Vasconcellos by visiting his website at or through
I worked with executives and #Leaders to help them understand that they have the capacity to solve their own problems. I do that by meeting with them and assessing and defining their problems.
We help executives and leaders understand that things are not difficult as they think they are. With a little help, they can understand, figure themselves out and build their capacities. #Leaders
Commanding control is the first thing people think about when they start learning about #Leadership. @jim_vasco
The most important #Leadership lesson that I’ve ever learned in the military is that the leader’s most important job is to get his people what they need to succeed. In essence, to be a servant leader. @jim_vasco

To view the video interview click here.

#668: Brian Doyle and Mitchell Levy on Thought Leader Life Credibility Episode

How to get paid for the value you provide by standing up against procurement. This episode features #ThoughtLeader and #Expert Brian Doyle (, who is the President of Holden Advisors. Their past results include $1B in increased profits and a 200% market share increase in most profitable customer segments. Routinely improve their clients’ profits by 3-10% in the first year.

Brain Doyle increases your profit by transforming your pricing, negotiation and sales approach to deliver amazing customer experiences with higher profits. They create compelling visions for clients and employees and then roll up sleeves to deliver results. Exceeds profit goals & sales targets by helping clients achieve success.

If you feel like you’ve been beat up way too many times by the #Procurement buzzler, you’re going to want to reach out to Brian Doyle by visiting his LinkedIn at

Here are a couple of AHA messages from this episode:

Companies who aren’t being paid for the #Value they provide should reach out to Brian Doyle by visiting
From the C- suite all the way down to the individual seller, they need skills and the confidence to understand and communicate their #Value in order to stand up against procurement. We call it negotiating with backbone. @bnhdoyle
I’ve had the opportunity to sit on both sides of the negotiation table. I’ve been there as an individual seller, a sales leader and a marketing leader who used some of those same tactics against my vendors to extract discounts. #Value
I’ve read #Procurement articles. I’ve seen what they talked about at their conferences. I know what they’re up to and that knowledge pays off with how I could advise clients. @bnhdoyle
I want everyone to feel the confidence that it’s okay to defend your #Value. It is okay to ask for a fair price for your products and credibility comes via results. @bnhdoyle

To view the video interview click here.

To learn more about Thought Leadership and how it can help you be successful, visit

The post #665-668: Sherr, Vasconcellos, Doyle w/ Mitchell Levy on Thought Leader Life Credibility appeared first on FIR Podcast Network.

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