This episode features #ThoughtLeaders and #Experts Dr. Elisse Barnes JD, PHD, Kaelen Revense and Catherine Hedden.
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#628: Dr. Elisse Barnes JD, PHD and Mitchell Levy on Thought Leader Life Credibility Episode

Baby boomers who needed to find a job and wanted someone who could explain this LinkedIn thing to them. This episode features #ThoughtLeader and #Expert Dr. Elisse Barnes JD, PHD ( who is the owner, CEO and lead trainer at A Certain Vintage Workforce Educational. She is also a LinkedIn Trainer empowering baby boomer job Seekers, Career Transitioners, Entrepreneurs, and Nonprofit Leaders.

Elisse teaches baby boomers to harness the power of LinkedIn through hands on, individual and small group “driving lessons” and “Mindset Reset” presentations that acknowledge their unique learning style and security concerns regarding the use of social media.

If you’re a boomer or you know somebody in your network who’s a boomer who hasn’t tried #LinkedIn yet, you should reach out to Dr. Elisse Barnes JD, PHD by visiting

Here are a couple of AHA messages from this episode:

Baby boomers who know they should be on #LinkedIn but they just don’t know how, should reach out to Dr. Elisse Barnes JD, PHD. @ElisseBarnes
If you want to exist in a world where there’s business going on, you need to be on #LinkedIn and you need to be credible on it. @ElisseBarnes
In the world we live in now, you have to be on social media. You need to have an online footprint and unfortunately, a lot of people don’t explain it to them. They just tell them they need to be on it. #LinkedIn @ElisseBarnes
I call my driving instructor methodology which means they do all of the work under my guidance. #LinkedIn @ElisseBarnes
The magic of #LinkedIn is not just in having a profile, the magic is engaging with it. @ElisseBarnes

To view the video interview click here.

#629: Kaelen Revense and Mitchell Levy on Thought Leader Life Credibility Episode

Understanding the feelings of LGBTQ+ community by learning how to accept them from who they are and what they are. This episode features #ThoughtLeader and #Expert Kaelen Revense ( who is the CEO and Founder of Celebrate You. Kaelen Revense is an author, public speaker, LGBTQ+ advocate and Life Coach.

Kaelen has her MAED degree in Adult Education and Training. She has been teaching youth and adults for over 30 years. Her passion is teaching. She is also an author, speaker and life coach. She is the author of the book, “It Was Never About Me: An LDS Mother’s Journey Toward Loving Acceptance of Her Gay Son’s Reality,” coming Fall 2019. As a the mother of her gay son, she coaches Christian parents in navigating the waters towards loving and accepting their LGBTQ+ children where and as they are.

If you know someone who is immobilized by the life that their child is living and you know that life can be better for them, I would highly suggest that you reach out to Kaelen Revense by visiting or via LinkedIn at

Here are a couple of AHA messages from this episode:

Parents and LGBTQ+ children who are completely immobilized should reach out to Kaelen Revense by visiting her website at or through twitter at @kaelenspirit.
All I’m doing is sitting down with friends who had a really hard time. They’re just humans just like you and I. They breathe in and they breathe out. All they want is to be loved authentically and to be #Accepted for who they are. @kaelenspirit
I’m a proud mother of a gay son and he is the one who taught me that it’s not about me. His life story was never mine and that I am only meant to love him and #Accept his reality. @kaelenspirit
If I have a bigger problem with your problem than you do, I’m the one with the problem. #Accept @kaelenspirit
It’s painful to watch them come out the other side. This experience with their children has been their greatest gift to help them realize how beautiful and wonderful they are. #Accept @kaelenspirit

To view the video interview click here.

#630: Catherine Hedden and Mitchell Levy on Thought Leader Life Credibility Episode

Helping to create revenue for business units that really couldn’t figure out how to monetize what they were doing. This episode features #ThoughtLeader and #Expert Catherine Hedden ( who is a strategic growth leader, brand strategist and a contributor to Branding Strategy Insider.

Catherine helps organizations drive long-term sustainable growth by creating insightful business strategies focused on delivering stakeholder value in the 4th industrial revolution, within the context of a volatile and uncertain future. She focuses on impact and outcomes as a way for organizations to deliver on their promise and fulfill their purpose.

If you’re in the C-suite and you recognize that there’s something missing. Your team has not reached the potential they need to. You should reach out to Catherine Hedden by visiting

Here are a couple of AHA messages from this episode:

C-suite leaders who know their organizations are #CapableOfMore should reach out to Catherine Hedden by visiting @CatherineHedden.
We really focus on whatever the biggest challenges they’re having so we can have the biggest impact. #CapableOfMore @CatherineHedden
We’re talking about business purpose, vision, mission and values because these are the real drivers of human performance. That’s where the juicy bits are. #CapableOfMore @CatherineHedden
I helped to #Create revenue streams for business units that really couldn’t figure out how to monetize what they were doing. @CatherineHedden
Sometimes, you’re sitting around the table and you see that you don’t have the right leadership. There’s something more and you can’t put your fingers on it. #Create @CatherineHedden

To view the video interview click here.

To learn more about Thought Leadership and how it can help you be successful, visit

The post #628-630: Dr. Barnes, Revense, Hedden w/ Mitchell Levy on Thought Leader Life Credibility appeared first on FIR Podcast Network.